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For the first time in a long time, we have a real choice at the general election, more of the same from the long-established parties, who are all following the same agenda or a vote for change; new faces and a new business-like approach to running the country in the interests of the people not the state and global corporations. I can’t stand by any longer and watch our country, its cultures and values being destroyed by a combination of global entities and supine government that wish to turn the UK into a serfdom.
We are a strong, resilient and proud country. We can find our own way on the world stage, we can push back against uncontrolled government spending and the highest level of taxation and borrowing in the last 70 years, push back on destructive policies like net zero, DEI, the ECHR and unlimited immigration. Labour and the Conservatives won’t solve these problems because they created them. We need a real change, fresh eyes and ideas and to take back control.
I was born and raised in Harrogate and am a proud Yorkshireman. My family ran local businesses here, including the Yorkshire Farmers Butchers Company, so I know and love the area, its people, its heritage and countryside. I also know the issues we face locally, doctors’ surgeries and NHS dentists bursting at the seams, long waits to even get an appointment. Housing developments that don’t provide affordable housing for local people, crumbling infrastructure, fading town centres and little local representation. An example of this is the white elephant “Harrogate Gateway” scheme that has already cost nearly £2m in consultants fees and is demonstrably not wanted by the local residents, yet the Council still push ahead with this vanity project, why?
We need an MP who will really represent Harrogate and Knaresborough, a real local candidate with life experience and business experience, not a career politician. We need to empower local businesses, not keep burdening them with more legislation and taxation. It’s a vibrant local business community that brings jobs and optimism to the area.
I spent over 20 years running businesses in the UK and overseas, so I know the challenges businesses face in detail and they deserve praise, each and every one of them. I have also done voluntary work for a local charity and understand the need to be compassionate and supportive of these enterprises as well, however the charity sector again needs reform as there is abuse of the charitable status for political ends which should not be permitted.
People are telling me that they have been let down and have little confidence in any of the main parties. There is an alternative and you can help us to make that difference by voting for me and joining our great team of activists, just call or email anytime.
If you really want a determined representative who believes in getting results, then put your cross next to Reform UK on polling day.
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